Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21 Here comes the weekend

I decided yesterday that the big thing I have learned so far in retirement is flexibility. If you know me, you know that I am rather insane about my scheduling. I suppose it comes from so many years of having to manage my time so closely, but I have tried to have at least a skeleton of a schedule in retirement. This week, I realized that my schedule for cleaning won't work, since I would be cleaning next week in the middle of two mornings of training, a gluttons dinner, a dr. appt. for my mother, the big town meeting with the planning commission and lunch with friends.

It sounds small, but I am very proud that I was able to come up with an alternate plan and to realize that the world will not end because I didn't stick to the cleaning schedule I set for myself. So the question is: did this happen to me because of so many years of teaching with its tight schedules, or was I attracted to teaching because of the scheduling.

Dinner: tried making risotto last night for the first time. Mushroom/Leek risotto to be exact. It was quite labor-intensive and as I finished it up, I wondered if it was worth it. Apparently, I won't have a choice. It was a big hit.

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