Sunday, September 4, 2011

9/4 Catching up

Friday was a day that I suspect will be more typical of this new life I'm leading. After 26 years of sticking to a lesson plan, I have a tendency to schedule my day almost to the minute. Things have been going fairly smoothly, especially in the Physical Therapy department. My mom is making good progress and actually asked to have her routine bumped up to include some upper body work.

Before PT, though, I had set the goal of getting the lower bank weeded once and for all. I was making good progress when a car that had passed slowly and turned around stopped in front of the house. When I approached, the man inside asked how long the house had been gone. It turned out to be the husband of one of my mom's cousins who had grown up there. I got him caught up on the situation, showed him the pictures, and he relayed the news of his family to me. I lost about a half-hour in that process, so didn't get the holes dug for the new boxwoods. Ah, well.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I checked on my friend who is taking sick leave and deciding what to do. I worry that she might be depressed over the situation, since she pretty much relies on her daughters for her support and they're both out of town. I think she'll be okay, but it is not a pleasant way to end a career.

My last paycheck has come (and gone!) so now this is for real. I will be setting up my pension benefits to coordinate with my 55th birthday and the wheels are in motion for our savings/investments to tide us over until my first check arrives. Scary.

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