Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/29 - This is more like it

Little by little, things are starting to balance out. So far this week, every project has worked out and our plans for the next few weeks are falling into place. We have finalized the Niagara Falls arrangement (Nina's one request while she is here) and have gotten a ticket to a hockey game for the last week. Next Friday will be high school football, not sure yet which school, and things are running smoothly here at home.

Yesterday I took the plunge and did a role-playing interview for a very flexible part-time job. I don't want to jinx the results  by talking about it, but suffice it to say it is something I would do for free, and yet I would get paid! I think I did pretty well-the feedback from the committee was very positive- but I won't know for sure until next week when I'll be informed by email.

We also had an interesting occurrence here. The rehearsing and filming for the Tom Cruise movie has begun and they have been racing around the Sand Castle parking lot for days. When Gary brought Mom home from PT yesterday, there was a car parked and two men with a camera that had the longest lens I've ever seen. They were actually paparazzi, trying to get a better view of the Sand Castle lot. They thought the street would do it, but with the trees still leaved that didn't work. I took them through the woods to get a better vantage point from the place we used to play baseball. They were very happy with the results, and showed me the shots on their camera that might sell. So, check the celebrity mags. And remember that it might be all due to me!

Today was my "day off," or at least partially. I had to take my car in for inspection, so I called Rose and John to see if they wanted to do Panera for breakfast. They rescued me in time from a whining three-year-old at the dealership waiting room and we enjoyed conversation. My car was done fast and I got a lot of paperwork done when I got home. Now going down to help the Mamá take a bath and then get her to do some ironing for me.

Life is good.

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