Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/13 - Moving along

What a difference a day makes. After my mother's heartfelt declaration on Thursday night, Friday morning brought disaster. At 5:30 a.m., she fell getting out of bed and had to crawl to the phone, since she couldn't reach the one on her bed. She finally reached me at 8:00 and I had to rescue her, not an easy task and one for which the details are best left out. I took her to see the Physician's Assistant at her PCP's office and she was sent home with a splint. She wanted to do PT and I thought that would be a good idea, since she was going to be stiff from the fall and her long crawl. It seemed to take the starch out of her a little and we are trying to build her back up, both physically and psychologically.

Over the weekend, we had the chance to see some friends we don't get to be with very much. I am still reeling from the news that the wife of one couple has some symptoms of early onset Alzheimers or at least some form of serious dementia. Apparently they have been wrestling with this for many years, but I managed to miss that bulletin. They both look terrified under a very thin veneer of coping. The situation has haunted me since I found out, because they are only 65, retired a few years ago and have been living a great life with their young grandchildren nearby. The husband is trying to keep it together and keep things rolling as normally as possible, but this will be very hard on him as he is a planner and organizer and I know from experience with this disease with others that some things are unpredictable.

It really has me thinking about the value of what we have. I worry some about Bob, since his father died with Alzheimers, but he does everything right, i.e., all the things the articles say help stave if off. Still, it is a haunting thought.

So, I will return with thoughts about life and school and such tomorrow, but today am still a little rocked by the news.

P.S. - We finally did get my mom's hand x-rayed and she has a hairline fracture on her left ring finger. The ortho doc splinted it differently and it seems to feel better.

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