Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8/30 Ladies Who Lunch!

Today I am meeting our friend Patti, who retired last year, for lunch at Bahama Breeze in Robinson. I purposefully set the date to make sure that I didn't forget to have some relaxation and fun in between geriatric care and house projects. I am looking forward to it.

I have thank yous to write for the gifts I got on Friday night, as well as cards for Ward and Shawna. It still hasn't truly sunk in that I just don't have to get up and go to work every day. I got an email from a former student who is starting ninth grade. She lost her mom last year just before school started. She is a wonderful kid, bubbly but not obnoxiously so, and just an all-round good person. She was excited to be starting ninth grade, and at the same time was accepted for volunteer work at the hospital. She was going to get her TB test checked so that she could begin training for that. I expect great things from her in the future, and that is what I shall miss: being a part of people's future.

For the moment, I'll have to stick to enjoying that vicariously through my friends who are still teaching. In the meantime, I'll plug away at working for the Planning Commission here to try to improve the community. A second hotel is being built at the Water Front and we are planning some activities to help improve the part of the borough that people pass through on their way there. It is exciting, and I am hoping I can keep track and keep juggling the tasks.

Last night, we saw Horrible Bosses. A funny movie, though no 9 to 5, which I just recently rewatched with my mom. We had our friend Bob to dinner and the three of us went to Loew's at the Water Front. All in all, the evening must have been relaxing, since I did sleep through the night. It was either that or the Benadryl I took before I went to bed.

I managed to clean and organize at least part of the tool room yesterday and today I will try to buy some more boxwoods for the side yard. When I think of what I would be doing if I were still working, it's overwhelming. The normal back to school stuff is bad enough, but the added stress of a different building, new administrators to work under, new colleagues and multiple preps might have put me over the edge.

Dinner: burgers, oven fries and corn. A true summer meal. Tomorrow begins the challenge of using the party leftovers.

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