Wednesday, April 11, 2012


today we try to get mom's new partial denture fixed. The dentist who made it insists it's perfectly fine, but she has trouble getting it in and out and now one of the teeth has begun to work its way loose. Yeesh!

Trying to figure out how to fit in all the tasks before the cruise and balance time with Bob. I have taken an inordinate amount of pride in cleaning the house, but lately have had trouble keeping up. Next week brings a meeting with Bill Roth, an appt. for Mom with Dr. Knupp, training at Pitt and packing.

Randy returned yesterday and finished the back door before and after dinner. It's always nice to have someone around to provide a distraction for my mom and I think she is slowly starting to feel better after her most recent hospital stay. She does seem sad and scared a lot of the time. I'm never sure just how to deal with it, but we manage to get through the days. Trying to balance it all at times seems impossible.

Slowly in this life I am beginning to see how to manage things without expecting the impossible of myself. We'll see if that sticks.

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