Friday, April 13, 2012

Drama and Trauma

Yesterday started out with me unable to find my wedding ring. I had been in a hurry the night before and could remember putting it into my pocket before heading upstairs, but not what happened afterwards. (Turns out I had thrown it into my change jar with my change.) I had to fast for a blood test, and in order to avoid having to go to the Quest lab twice, waited until after our 1:00 appts. to eat. So it was a starving and edgy me who showed up with the Mamá in tow to get blood drawn, something I hate anyway.

When the scruffy man started babbling about why he shouldn't have to pay for his testing, even though no one in the waiting room had made eye contact, I knew he was trouble. Sure enough, when the tech came out to call us back, he made his fuss complete with threats and profanity at many decibels. As if getting a needle stuck in your vein wasn't troubling enough. It upset the Mamá, and was a little unsettling to me.

Afterwards, because of another annoying idiot, I had to go to Pitt to get my photo id. They have started to require them to enter buildings because of the bomb threats. The Med school has not yet been involved, but with my luck they'll start Monday and I will be stuck for Tuesday's training.

All of this said, I did get my packing done for the cruise and plan to do my mother's today. That is my main goal, and to set up some time to spend with Bob this weekend. And so life goes on. It occurs to me that although I have now experienced August and September without having to start school, this will be the first time that I make it through the warm spring months with no obligations to sweat all day with teenagers. How lovely! I continue to savor the joys of being released from all that. It hasn't gotten old yet.

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