Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9 The value of routine and variety

So, here's what I've come to realize in the last few weeks. As much of a lover of routine as I am, I also need some flexibility. The last few days have finally settled into what is a heavenly way to live. With a little less yard work to do, and with cutting back PT to two days a week instead of three, my daily routine has become quite pleasant. I seem to have passed that exhaustion that I think comes with the change of seasons and I've been getting out of bed before 6:30. That gives me back the few hours I was losing to sleep for a couple of weeks. I've managed to finish the mulch, get a good handle on a housecleaning routine, exercise the way I've always wanted to and have time for some relaxation and fun. Couldn't be better.

We had a scare with Bob John's mother last week; they told him to call his brother up from Florida because they did not expect her to last the week. She rallied over the weekend, Gary returned to Florida, and she seems to be doing better all the way around. On the other hand, we found out that Irene had two toes amputated, which turned out to be better than the alternative "leg above the knee" option the doctor here was planning. Her family took her to Cleveland Clinic for a second opinion and they did a bypass in the leg to improve circulation. She is currently in rehab until she gets a handle on the walking thing again.

Had an epiphany. I am a lover of routine, so I have to be careful not to regiment myself too much. I have achieved an almost-perfect balance of routine and variety, so that my life at the moment seems perfect. I don't mean without problems perfect. Just that it's a comfortable pace, I am getting things done, I am able to relax some, I am not bored. I have enough exercise options that I can shake things up and stay in the best shape of my life. Life is good.

I have two case portrayals on my schedule for December, so I'll be getting my feet wet in the SP program. They seem to have the confidence I can handle these without an observation, so I'm going to give it my best shot. This morning I read a CNN article about people who have had memory impairment illnesses in their families and what they do to stave off the same in themselves. Ironically, ballroom dancing was considered the most perfect way to do that. It combines exercise, socializing and having to learn something, the three key items to staying healthy and avoiding memory impairment. Bob John would die!!!!

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